Order and Chaos Online Wiki

A player in combat

Hello one and all.

Having been playing Order and Chaos quite casually now for about a week, there have been a lot of people asking me for advice/help on how to skill build for faster levelling yet giving survivability and versatile enjoyment at the same time. So I have decided to make this forum post in order to help out on a larger scale. Although this may be mage specific, a lot of the advice is generic and applies to all classes.

1. Get into a good kill rotation: You want to spend as much time casting as possible. No point in standing waiting for your global global cooldown on firebolt to come of cooldown. Use this time to cast frostbolt (when you got it) or even basic melee. As time progresses and when you acquire Rock Piercing, your rotation will be:

Frostbolt>Firebolt>Rock Piercing>Repeat.

You want to maximise your up time (i.e. more time getting xp and loot, less time drinking and waiting for hp/mana to regenerate) so with this in mind, try to conserve your mana when appropriate. An example of this would be to melee and opponent down who is about to die anyway, as opposed to using firebolt (one of your most mana intensive single target spells).

2. Speccing your mage. You get your first talent point at level 5.The most optimum levelling spec is to initially take 1 in Frost Blast, switching to fire and taking 1 in Shock Wave. These are two brilliant early level AoE type spells, dealing high damage in a close proximity circle around you.

As a level 30 mage, my current spec went like this:

1 Frost Blast, > 1 Shockwave > 5 Improved Frost Bolt > 1 Winter Sleep > 3 Ice Burst > 1 Rock Piercing > 5 Erudition > 1 Water Prison > 3 Sharp Rock > 1 Stone Armour > 5 Piercingly cold.

I have chosen this sort of spec as it is best suited for both levelling and player vs player combat.

